JJ's Tips (from April, 2016) - Gratitude Opens Doors Is it time for a gratitude party at your office or home? What are your dominant thoughts each day? Are they on positive or negative subjects? SOLUTIONS Life happens while you’re making plans and sometimes you find yourself in constant adjustment. When things go sideways and you’re dealing with the unexpected, it’s time to "go with the flow." Instead of overreacting and making the situation worse, let it go! Then you can process the situation in a more positive way. Your dominant thoughts each day will usually be on what's happening in your work and home. If you have unexpected challenges occurring in either or both, you could find yourself in overwhelm with negative thoughts. One way to defuse the situation is to write a gratitude list. The first few days, you’ll find yourself writing the same things over and over because they're uppermost in your thinking. Then you realize there are so many other things you take for granted that you appreciate too. As you look for reasons to be grateful you’ll think of your job, home, loved ones, people who support you, friends and so on. Making the list takes your mind away from negative thoughts. Then you realize how much you appreciate other people who have been there for you and you start verbalizing your appreciation to them. Showing your appreciation and gratitude to others will open the door to more positive communication and collaboration together. The author of Happier, Tal Ben-Shaham, PhD, says, "When you appreciate the good, the good appreciates.” Also Petra Kolber, positive psychology coach and creator of Moving to Happiness wrote,”Being grateful is good for your physical health too. In a 2015 study published by the American Psychological Association, heart patients who kept a gratitude journal not only slept better but reduced their cardiac risk factors.” Kolber also suggests keeping a gratitude jar in plain sight. Each night at dinner, each person would share a gratitude and put it in the jar. The gratitude jar could be the start of your office gratitude party or at the beginning of meetings. Allison Clark, of Allison Clark Consulting wrote, “All of us thrive in an atmosphere of appreciation. A kind voice-mail from someone. A hug from our kids. An email acknowledgment from a coworker. A small gift from a friend. A pat on the back from the boss. These words and actions can be incredible motivators." Use the Pivot technique that was introduced in the March 2016, Tips From JJ. Ask yourself: 1. What do you want? 2. Why do you want it? and... 3. How will you feel when you get it? Your self talk in this exercise promotes the letting go and allows going with the flow. You’ll automatically feel more relaxed and in control when you do. Combine this technique with writing and showing your gratitude, and you’ll attract new and unexpected help. Who deserves a note, a call or a simple "thank you" or “I appreciate you” comment? Make a list of people who deserve your gratitude. Then do a favor for yourself and follow through! You’ll be glad you did! I want to say, “Thank you to you!" for reading and commenting on my newsletters, and giving me the pleasure of working with your companies and organizations. JJ's FAVORITE QUOTES "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." "We don't accomplish anything in this world alone...and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of
individual threads from one to another that creates something." "Our life is what our thoughts make it." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO YOU WANT TO IMPROVE in an area? Service? Sales? Call for your FREE CONSULTATION now EVALUATION OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT Have you had an Evaluation of Your Environment lately so you could receive suggestions on improving it? (It's like the doctor's check up, you often don't know you need it, until after you've had it.) http://www.jjlauderbaugh.com/about.html **************************************** JJ Lauderbaugh, CMC JJ works with companies that want to give exceptional customer service to increase sales,
and with Directors and Call Center/Help Desk Managers who want to improve human
performance. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reprinted with permission
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